Chairman’s Forward

  • fmtchiosadmin
  • November 9, 2012

Efthymios E. Mitropoulos

It is with great joy that I offer my services to the “Maria Tsakos Foundation–International Center of Maritime Research and Tradition” – an institution dedicated to the memory of a great Greek and a great friend of seafarers. A great woman whom if God had not hastened to call to Him, would have had much to offer both to Greece and shipping, even more so than she gave in the short period of her life on earth.

 Out of the (wide-ranging goals) many general and specific objectives of the Foundation, our concentration (priority) will be given to four:


– Maritime research -with particular emphasis on the environment;

– Maritime tradition, in order to draw on the lessons of the past for the present and the future;

– Maritime education and training;

– And charitable activities.

The Foundation’s strategy lies in the exploitation of arising opportunities in the areas in which the foundation is being activated and in the development of the best organizational structures  to achieve this.

We have invested high expectations to the Scientific Council’s operation, which the Founders and Board of Directors have entrusted to a distinguished individual renowned as a Greek, as a member of the Academy of Athens and as a space scientist, Dr. Stamatis Krimizis. We believe that with the collective effort of all involved, we will be able to achieve the goals of the Foundation and effectively reflect our Founder’s vision.

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